I’m overloaded. Overwhelmed. Just totally done in.
I have waaay too much information. I need to pare it down some… but it pains me, massively, to throw away information.
I have almost 48,000 unread emails sitting in my email box folder that are contributed articles for my technology blog.
I have over 600 emails in my ‘time sensitive’ (ha!) folder.
I have another 1400 in my ‘get to this week’ folder (ha!!!).
Not to mention the 7,944 emails in my ‘Inbox’ (aka, where everything else ends up).
This doesn’t even begin to consider my bookmarks (thousands of them) which I have dreams of organizing into mini-information sites so I didn’t waste all my research.
It also doesn’t include my RSS feeds full of hundreds of unread articles from websites long forgotten.
Nor does it include any of the hundreds (thousands?) of green leafs waiting unchecked on my Ancestry tree.
Of course, this is just the email box I use all the time, I have more email addresses than I can remember off the top of my head, and haven’t checked any of the others in months or longer. Not to mention the dozens of sites I run which are falling into various stages of neglect due to my severe disorganization.
Throwing it all away doesn’t help. I’ve tried that before, it just builds up again.
Apparently I’m an information hoarder.