On the theory of one race

There I found myself, in the unfortunate position of stumbling into a conversation with a Scientian (my word). You know who I mean. Stereotypically, they…

Thankfully Distant Relations

I’m not a big ‘William the Conqueror’ fan. Yes, probably some of you out there wouldn’t care in the least about some guy who died…

Family Tree Update Live

I just uploaded the newest version of my family tree from my ancestral files. This will be the last update in 2012, but I’ll try…

Genealogy and Famous People

When I start talking about how fun it is to research genealogy, or how easily I can lose an entire day searching archives, and just…

Progress Happens

I wanted to chime in on something I’m seeing on the genealogical forums and blogs – resentment. There are some people whom, having researched for…

Whither Are We Rockefeller?

Quite by accident I discovered how we are linked to the Rockefeller family known widely in the United States. I was exploring up a side…

Frustrating Misnomers

Hawley. Holley. Holly. It’s a roadblock in the genealogical path I’m on. I have found so many people that could be the next missing link…

Would You Share?

I was researching my father’s ‘Wood’ family line today, and ran across this photo. Not entirely certain that everyone would be fine with this sort…

A Genealogy Wiki

I haven’t run a wiki in a long time. They’re kind of a headache, but for the purposes I’m after it might be just exactly…